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In 2023, 75,104 weather-related events resulted in 877 deaths and 3,857 injuries. Winter weather, heat, floods and hurricanes resulted in the most deaths that year, according to Injury Facts.


The National Safety Council offers safety tips specific on preparing for earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, and how to minimize fire risks.


Federal agencies, like and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also are valuable resources for emergency preparedness. When you face a natural or man-made emergency, try to stay informed through radio, TV or the Internet. In some cases, however, cable, electric and cell phone service will be disabled, making communication nearly impossible. The National Safety Council recommends the following general precautions that apply to many disaster situations:




On-the-job deaths jump nearly 6% in 2022:  US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Washington — A total of 5,486 workers died from on-the-job injuries in 2022 – a 5.7% increase from the previous year, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Dec. 19.

It’s the sixth time in seven years that workplace deaths surpassed 5,000 on the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. BLS recorded 4,764 in 2020 – the lowest number of fatalities since 4,585 were recorded in 2013. From 2009 to 2015, fatalities remained below the 5,000 mark.

The rate of fatal work-related injuries rose to 3.7 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers from 3.6 in 2021.

Transportation incidents remained the top cause of death, resulting in 2,066 fatalities and accounting for 37.7% of all fatal work-related injuries.

Unintentional overdose deaths increased 13.1%, to 525 in 2022 from 464 in 2021, continuing a trend of annual increases since 2012.

“More must be done by employers to prevent these fatalities,” the National Safety Council says in a statement on the newly released data. “Overdoses can happen anywhere, and the BLS report shows these medical emergencies can be fatal and are occurring in the workplace.

“This further makes overdose and naloxone awareness, access to naloxone in workplace first aid kits and other locations, and adoption of programs to ensure workplaces and their employees are equipped to save a life critical components to workplace safety.”

Also of note from BLS:

  • A worker died every 96 minutes in 2022, compared with every 101 minutes the year before.

  • The transportation and material moving sector had the highest number of workplace fatalities (1,620), followed by construction and extraction (1,056).

  • The fatality rates for Black/African American workers (4.2 per 100,000 FTE) and Hispanic/Latino workers (4.6) increased from 4.0 and 4.5 in 2021, respectively. Transportation incidents were the most frequent cause of death among these groups.

The data release is the second of two annual BLS reports. The first, released Nov. 8, examines nonfatal injuries and illnesses among private-sector employees.

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NSC DE&I Commitment Statement


As a Chapter of NSC, we demonstrate our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion through our culture and our values. Our culture embraces all people regardless of ancestry, color, national origin, race, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical or mental disability, or veteran status.* We boldly empower our team to model respect and dignity. We find impactful opportunities for growth and development. We create a safe environment that includes mental, physical, psychological, and emotional protections. To be NSC is to deliver our mission by working together — our employees, members, and stakeholders — in such a way that everyone feels a sense of belonging.  We believe that you can’t be safe if you don’t feel safe. Feeling safe requires a commitment to equitable policy implementation and promoting diversity in the safety profession. We must cultivate our own diverse, inclusive, and equitable work environment to deliver on our mission to save lives, from the workplace to anyplace.


NSC and Safety Council NY is an equal opportunity employer.



National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

The passage of NEPA resulted in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. The "Congressional declaration of purpose" section at the beginning of the Act explains that NEPA's purpose is, "To declare a national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation; and to establish a Council on Environmental Quality." While the EPA is heavily involved with NEPA, the White House also appoints the Council on Environmental Quality, which oversees the implementation of NEPA across all agencies.








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